Thomas I`Anson (UK/BE)

Thomas I'Anson & Cathérine Lommée, 'Baucis and Philemon', 2018, table: linden, oak, Kilkenny limestone, green dolomite, cinnabar and cassiterite, 70 x 100 x 280 cm. + Cathérine Lommée, 'Baucis and Philemon (Perpendicular thread)', 2018, 5 silver chains, 9 fulgurite, brown rooster hackle, white saltwater pearl, black saltwater pearl; and pendula of convex shard of glass, 366 cm.

Thomas I'Anson & Cathérine Lommée, 'Baucis and Philemon', 2018, table: linden, oak, Kilkenny limestone, green dolomite, cinnabar and cassiterite, 70 x 100 x 280 cm. + Cathérine Lommée, 'Baucis and Philemon (Perpendicular thread)', 2018, 5 silver chains, 9 fulgurite, brown rooster hackle, white saltwater pearl, black saltwater pearl; and pendula of convex shard of glass, 366 cm.

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